Saturday, January 30, 2010

Waiting for Another Sale

It's been awhile since my last sale.  I have been working to promote and also add new things to the shop.  Also, I have been busy filling a three bear order from a wonderful customer.  That order really gave me heart!

The weather here has been really nasty and the only good thing about nasty weather is it forces you to stay in and get things accomplished!  Like working on income taxes(yuck) and cleaning closets and drawers that are long overdue.....I also need to reevaluate my yarn stash and make a trip to the local Salvation Army.

I guess this will all keep me busy as I am waiting for another sale....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Featured Shop

Today I am featured on
I am so excited to have someone notice my work and actually want to feature my shop on their site!  It is a real honor and ego boost!

I also have to admit that I am hoping to get some sales from the notice.  After all, why have a shop if not to sell your handiwork?  The extra publicity should certainly help.

I am very grateful to Audrey for doing the feature on her wonderful blog. Thank you Audrey!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Month Since Christmas

I can't believe it has been a whole month since Christmas!  I really didn't have a Christmas since I was sick  for most of the holiday and my kids weren't home.  So I keep waiting for Christmas.......another eleven months.....

I have been busy with my Etsy shop.  A customer that bought my Steeler bear liked it so much that she ordered two more bears in different colors for gifts.  That was wonderful!  Also, I have been making new things for my shop on  regular basis and I am continuing the promoting so I hope that all translates into more sales.

I know that it is getting viewed so that makes me happy.  Someone at some point will like an item enough to buy it....

Hopefully, I won't have to wait eleven months for my next sale! :-)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

It has been awhile since I have written any posts.  The holidays were busy as they always are...
We visited my family in North Carolina the week before Christmas which was wonderful but I really missed them for the actual holiday.  Although, I was sick for most of Christmas and it seemed like Christmas just passed by this year.  Which is very sad since I truly love the Christmas season.

I was pleased with the amount of sales I made on my Etsy site.  I even had some international sales which was wonderful.  Hopefully, it will continue throughout the year.  I have done some more promoting with the start of the new year and I have several new items to post on the site with ideas for many more.  Just need the time to do it all!