Saturday, November 28, 2009

More Sales!

Once again the Etsy fairy visited me!  This time there are three sales!  I just can't believe it!
Although, all three sales were to the same person, it is still very exciting.  Also the fact that the person was from Italy, the country of my cultural heritage, has made it very special.

I guess the promoting is paying off.  I better get busy and make some more product!  I certainly don't want an empty shop.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Made A Sale!

Well, I did it! I made another sale on my Etsy shop!  I almost didn't check my computer last night before I went to bed but something told me that I should.  Pisst, maybe it was the Etsy Fairy.........

Thank you, Etsy Fairy!  Please visit me again real soon!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Yarn, Yarn, Yarn

There are so many yarns to pick from when you decide to make a new project.  I tend to go back again and again to my favorites.  Whether it is the variety of colors or the texture, certain yarns just do it for me!

If you are going to spend the time and effort(an enjoyable effort) to make your project, you want to have a pleasing experience.  Your favorite yarns can make it a pleasing experience where as some yarns can make you crazy and seem to make the work exactly that-work!

Not to say that I always use the same yarns, as new and improved yarns are coming on the market all the time. However, my favorite for now is Vanna White's line of yarns for Lion Brand. The texture is soft and plyable and there is a great color selection.  And of course, the price is great.

One yarn that I tend to stay away from, although there is a wide selection of beautiful colors, is Lion Brand Homespun.  I have used it many times before but I just seem to have trouble with splitting of the fibers with that particular yarn.  It may be me. however, and how I crochet and knit.

I have tried many other yarns as dictated by the current project.  Some expensive, some not.  It is all in the feel of the yarn.  Whatever makes your project a joy to do.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat. Please put a penny in my Etsy shop!

To paraphase the old Christmas song!

After spending the last couple of weeks promoting, I think I now need to spend the majority of my time making some more things for my shop and also get some Christmas gifts made.  Time is running out!

I really hope I will make a few sales over the holidays!  A penny in my Etsy shop?  Anyone?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Promoting, Promoting

The last week or so; whenever I get time, I have methodically gone through a list of 50 sites that allow you to post your shop site for free.  While some of the sites will not work for my situation, most are what I am hoping and praying I need to start bringing traffic to my site and ultimately result in some holiday sales.

It has been a journey in the workings of the internet.  I am learning things I never thought I would learn as I am not a very techno savy person.  However, I am proud of myself for accomplishing this.  As of now I have registered with around 25 of the sites.  I still have a few more to check into and a few to go back to.  It also turns out that several are not totally free after all.

I will persevere and keep my fingers crossed that it helps!